It's always an update blog because at this point, I have no books to review... But I will soon so you'll just have to be patient. Ok updates. I haven't got really far in the Mary Russell series, I think the last time I had just got finished with the third book "A Letter Of Mary". I haven't been able to get the fourth one because 1: I haven't gone to my friends house to steal (Well not really. I asked ahead of time if I could borrow them.) the book from her private library and 2: I could go to the library and get it but I don't have any money to pay the library fine and I can't get anymore books until I pay it.... So I'm stuck. Until I get money or ask my parents to pay for it I can't do anything. So I'm just gonna have to wait until I go over to my friend's house and take the fourth book home with me.
I don't know if I've told you the story, but it's on the same subject as the Mary Russell series cause it's one of the books in the series. It's called "Beekeeping for Beginners". It's about that first meeting of Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes in the "Beekeepers Apprentice" when she bumps into him by accident, but in Sherlock Holmes POV (Point of view, for those of you who don't know the abbreviation.). It's a newer book, but it's only on eBook. You can't get it anywhere else but online. It's only 99. cents on Amazon and other sites but I don't have money, and if I got my parents to get it for me, they would just think it a waste of money. Which it is. But I wanted to read it. Badly. So I would stay on the computer and try to search for it, to get it free. That didn't turn out well because I couldn't find it. At all. I eventually gave up. That was a few weeks ago. Yesterday I was bored so I decided to try searching for it again. When I did, I found it. An easy, free, copy that I could download. I was sooo mad (cause I had searched for it and there it was, right under my nose!), but happy at the same time. So I got to read it, and I liked it. I think I should mention that the book I was looking for was a short story. (only 50 pages or less) I liked it a lot but I found it very unsatisfying. It was really short, and I wanted it to be a full book but it was not. It was... What's the word?-- refreshing, to have Sherlock Holmes be the narrator instead of May Russell. Not that I have anything against her but she just gets tiring after three or so books of her narrating. The book was very good, but I just wanted a bit more...
I've been downloading a lot of stuff lately, especially audiobooks. I'm getting into them more and more. It makes the books come to life. So far I have download "The Name Of The Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss, "The Count Of Monte Crstio" by Alexander Dumas, "The Iron King" by Julie Kagawa, "The Curse of the Pharaohs" by Elizabeth Peters, and all of the Mary Russell series. I've also been downloading a lot of eBooks. So far I have downloaded The Complete Sherlock Holmes mysteries, "The Beekeeper Apprentice", "A Monstrous Regiment of Women", "The God of the Hive"and "Beekeeping For Beginners" by Laurie R. King, most of the Sevenwaters books, Wildwood Dancing and Cybeles Secret by Juliet Marillier, "Silent In The Grave" by Deanna Raybourn, and a short story from the "Iron King" series called "Summer's Crossing".
As you can see, I've been pretty busy downloading stuff, but it's worth it. I get to either read or listen to these books whenever I want. : D Anyways, I'm gonna go and do something with myself. So until next time, and remember, keep reading! (Or listening...)
Oh and just as a side note, any of the books that I have listed you want to read or haven't read, you should look them up. They are all really good books! and you should also check out this site. This is one of the places where I find most of my audiobooks: -Megan <3
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Thursday, July 21, 2011
Hi there!
Welcome to my blog! I write book blogs because I love books. I read a LOT and have things I want to say about the books I read, but I don't get requests for books I just do a review on them because I want you to know about them, or I loved it and wanted to spread the word. The main reason I did this blog, was to get my friends (and others too) to read more books, because books are amazing when you find the right one for you. So enjoy my blog and if you would like, you can follow me! :)
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P.S Just a note, there is a way out of my blog, you just have to click on the "Log In" button at the top. It should take you back to your dashboard.
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About Me

- Megan
- A Taurus/Leo, ISFP, wanna-be poet, post-hardcore enthusiast, baker/barista, bunny lover, bookworm, always down for some tea, and she apparently decides to blog in her spare time
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