I have absolutely nothing to update you on book wise. I haven't been reading or had the inclination to read which is unlike me... I love reading, don't get me wrong. I guess I just don't have to time for it anymore with school and being social. I wish I could read the rest of my library books in five days, but I don't think I can. I'd have to read non-stop and I can't. Plus I need to get out of the house and DO something with myself. Maybe that's why I'm not reading... I feel the need to do something productive for a while. I think this would be a good time to take a break and not have books looming, waiting for me to read them. I think I'll try to read what I can, and take them all back. I can right down the page numbers and check them out again later. Which I think is a good idea.
ANYways, enough with my problems. I have been reading I little bit, because I finished "A Fatal Waltz" by Tasha Alexander. And I'm about 120 pages into "Lion In The Valley" by Elizabeth Peters. Oh! I forgot. I think I have come to a decision regarding "Touchstone" by Laurie R. King. I don't think I'm gonna keep reading it. I like it, so it's not that it's not interesting. I just think it's too grown up for me right now. I think once I get older I'll appreciate it more, but for right now, I don't care enough. I want to care but I don't.
So, I think that's it. I might post sometimes but not all the time cause I'm not gonna be reading much. When I finish a book I'll tell you about it or do a review on it but for right now, I need time away from books.
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Monday, September 12, 2011
Hi there!
Welcome to my blog! I write book blogs because I love books. I read a LOT and have things I want to say about the books I read, but I don't get requests for books I just do a review on them because I want you to know about them, or I loved it and wanted to spread the word. The main reason I did this blog, was to get my friends (and others too) to read more books, because books are amazing when you find the right one for you. So enjoy my blog and if you would like, you can follow me! :)
P.S Just a note, there is a way out of my blog, you just have to click on the "Log In" button at the top. It should take you back to your dashboard.
P.S Just a note, there is a way out of my blog, you just have to click on the "Log In" button at the top. It should take you back to your dashboard.
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About Me

- Megan
- A Taurus/Leo, ISFP, wanna-be poet, post-hardcore enthusiast, baker/barista, bunny lover, bookworm, always down for some tea, and she apparently decides to blog in her spare time
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