Hello, peoples. I think I am now back into the swing of things! I've started to read "Lady of the Glen" and I like it a lot! I might do a book review on it.... ;)
I really want to go to the library again, to check out some new books. I haven't been able to get any of the mystery books I talked about in the other blog, because I've just been sitting at home, AND I'm sick. So as soon as I'm able to, I want to go and get them. I should make a library list.... That'll give me something to do.
I know I shouldn't want to go to the library when I have perfectly good books right on the my bookshelf, but I can't help myself. I'm a mood reader. I can't help that when I look at the books on my bookshelf, I go: "ehh I don't really want to read that", or "I'm not in the mood to read this one....". I just can't read a book unless I want to read it. Is anyone else like that? Or is it just me? I don't know. But I think I'm just going to have to suck it up.
Also, I have so many books that I'm almost done reading, but I never get around to reading the rest of it! I should just have a week dedicated to reading the books I'm partially done with. I think I have about 4 books that I started, read to almost the end, and stopped. I need to get those done too.
I need to start to get my TBR pile smaller. It's almost as big as the books I've read! Which is not many.
Okay I think that's it for the updates! Have a good night. :)
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Sunday, November 20, 2011
Hi there!
Welcome to my blog! I write book blogs because I love books. I read a LOT and have things I want to say about the books I read, but I don't get requests for books I just do a review on them because I want you to know about them, or I loved it and wanted to spread the word. The main reason I did this blog, was to get my friends (and others too) to read more books, because books are amazing when you find the right one for you. So enjoy my blog and if you would like, you can follow me! :)
P.S Just a note, there is a way out of my blog, you just have to click on the "Log In" button at the top. It should take you back to your dashboard.
P.S Just a note, there is a way out of my blog, you just have to click on the "Log In" button at the top. It should take you back to your dashboard.
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About Me

- Megan
- A Taurus/Leo, ISFP, wanna-be poet, post-hardcore enthusiast, baker/barista, bunny lover, bookworm, always down for some tea, and she apparently decides to blog in her spare time
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