Now I'll give you the list of them but I didn't get a lot. I have a habit of going through my TBR list and just writing down like 10 books I want to get and then I never finish them. That's what happened last time. I refused to get so much books this time. I got about 6 books. Here they are:
"O Jerusalem" by Laurie R. King
I think this is the next book in the Mary Russell series I haven't read in a loooong time. I started like three pages of this book, put it down and haven't came back to it. I'm excited to get back into it because I forgot how much I love this series so far. :D

It's a very gruesome name, and the plot is the same, but I'm excited to get into it. I've been wanting to read this for a while; it's just been sitting on my TBR shelf, and finally I got to check it out!

At first I didn't remember how I found this book. I sometimes look at the suggestions Goodreads gives you to find new books, and I found this on the suggestions for "A Fatal Waltz" by Tasha Alexander. It looked like a good book, so I added it. This cover that I posted is the paperback cover, but my library has the hard cover. It doesn't look as awesome as this one. ;P

I've been seeing these Charles Lenox mysteries a lot and finally I decided to read the first one. We'll see how I like these books. and they seem pretty good so I'll give them a try.

If you read my last blog, you've seen this book. I was really excited to read it so I'm reading it first before any of them. So far, I like it a lot. :D

This book was really short (or at least for me.) It's about 216 pages. I read it in one and a half days. The idea was a interesting I thought, and it was surprisingly good book. I enjoyed it!
Anyway, that's all of them. Before I went to the library I was reading "The Dark Road to Darjeeling" by Deanna Raybourn, the next book in Lady Julia Grey mysteries. I'll get back to it once I read all of these new books.
Well, I think that's it. Until next time! <3