I just want to thank everyone again for commenting and following me! I know that this is probably the fifth time I've said thank you but I can't say it enough. Now time for the update.
I'm pretty sure I've already told you this but I bought a few new books recently. I usually don't buy books, I just get them from the library cause it's cheaper that way. But I had some extra money to spend, so I have those books that I have to read.
I've also been re-reading all of Lynn Kurland's books. I have all of them and I'm trying to read them in order, but it's hard because I don't know which order to do it in! So I went on Lynn Kurland's site and found that there are several ways to read her books. I picked one, and I'm almost done reading them all. I love her books because they are so unrealistic. I'm sure you can't travel through time and meet hot Scottish lords but.... A girl can dream...
Ok I got a question to ask. How many of my followers have read The Phantom Of The Opera. I know that many of you have seen the movie, and I have too, I just don't know if it's gonna be any good... So if you've read it, let me know what you thought of it!
I don't know what it is with me and Jane Austen books, but I love them! I think I've read Pride and Prejudice and Emma (My two absolute favorites) a thousand times! I don't know... there's something about them that is so lighthearted, that it's easy for me to read them over and over again, and still feel excited about it! I just love them. : )
Ok I think that's it with the updates for now. Happy reading!
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Welcome to my blog! I write book blogs because I love books. I read a LOT and have things I want to say about the books I read, but I don't get requests for books I just do a review on them because I want you to know about them, or I loved it and wanted to spread the word. The main reason I did this blog, was to get my friends (and others too) to read more books, because books are amazing when you find the right one for you. So enjoy my blog and if you would like, you can follow me! :)
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About Me

- Megan
- A Taurus/Leo, ISFP, wanna-be poet, post-hardcore enthusiast, baker/barista, bunny lover, bookworm, always down for some tea, and she apparently decides to blog in her spare time
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