I don't usually do memes. The only one I keep up regularly is WWW Wednesday. I don't think I'm going to keep up with this one every Monday, but I couldn't help myself. This seems like it's gonna be a lot of fun. So here is my Musing Monday post!
This week’s musing is… a book meme!
What was the last book you…
• borrowed from the library?
• bought?
• cried over?
• disliked and couldn’t finish?
• read & loved?
• got for review? (or: got in the mail?)
• gave to someone else?
• stayed up too late reading?
Here's my answers:
What was the last book you...... borrowed from the library?
haha I got 8 books at my library. Do I name all eight, or just the one of them?I'll just pick one out.
I got "The Outlaws Of Sherwood" by Robin McKinley.
It's her version of the Robin Hood legend. I had read Jennifer Roberson's
version called "Lady Of The Forest" and liked it a lot. So I decided to read another
author's version, and heard this one was pretty good.
What was the last book you....bought?
The last book I bought was "The Dark Enquiry" by Deanna Raybourn. Actually, if you want to get technical.... I got the whole Lady Julia Grey series,
but this was the last one I got. I love this entire series to death, and even got my parents to read them! and they liked them too. They are an amazing series. If you've followed this blog for any amount of time, you know that I love it because I'm always talking about it... If you would like you can check out the "sort of "review I did on this book, here.
What was the last book you..... cried over?
That's a hard one! Cause I cry at a lot of books. I'm a big crier. I cry a lot. When it's happy, and when it's sad. I think that the last book I cired at was the same book up there ^^^ "The Dark Enquiry" by Deanna Raybourn. Now, the more that I think about it, I did cry at this book. It's got a really sad ending... : (
What was the last book you.... disliked and couldn't finish?
This is a hard one too because when I get suggestions from people or I find a book, I make sure it's something I want to read. I look at the review's on Goodreads, make sure it isn't too bad and try it out. I have a book I disliked but I finished it, because I tried to keep an open mind. It was "And Only To Deceive" by Tasha Alexander. -sigh- I wanted to like it, but I just had a hard time. Here's my review on it.
What was the last book you.... read and loved?
I really loved this book called "The Princess, the Crone, and the Dung Cart Knight" by Gerald Morris. I really like his books, and his style of writing. This book was funny, action packed, and cute all at the same time. I loved it!
What was the last book you..... got in the mail?
Since I don't buy books for review, I'm gonna do the last one I got in the mail which is again, "The Dark Enquiry".
What was the last book you.... gave someone else?
Do you mean gave someone as a gift, or gave someone to read and give back to you?
Well, I didn't give anyone any books, but I did let my Dad borrow a book from my bookshelf, if that counts? : P
What was the last book you..... stayed up too late reading?

Well that would have to be "Beastly" by Alex Flinn. I had to turn out my light, so I just used my book light to read with and stayed up much longer than I should have.... hehe
Here's my review on it.
So there's my answers! I hope you enjoyed this meme, and keep reading! :-)